Jul 7, 2008

Natorit Elmafatieh - La Gardienne Des Clés [1972]

The Plot & Quick Notes:
The king of Sira adds a new tax which will make him owner of half of everything his people has. And whoever refuses to pay will be taken to work for free. When his soldiers start collecting the fortunes of the people, they meet with Zad Elkheir. She can't give them half what she own, 5 hens and a goat. They ask for money, but she has none. They take her to work in the palace and she demands to meet the king. When she does she tries to explain how the soldiers almost broke her hand, and that she can sing, dance, and act. Hearing this, the king asks her to act and then to sing. Although he liked her singing, he still told the soldiers to take her to work breaking some wood. Jad the wiseman is the king closest servant. The king asks him about what he's doing but Jad answers don't appeal to the king. Jad says that what the king is doing is wrong to the people. Another citizen meets with the king, Mourad Alasamr. He's an old friend with the king. The king asks him to kneel before him, but Mourad refuses. The king sends him to prison.
A man named Barbar starts planning to escape from the village together with everyone else. But his plan is met with caution and disbelief. How could they all leave their houses? It's when Zad Elkheir is let free. Another incident occurs where a nut seller is killed by the king. The king starts planning the festivities of his queen's return from her parent's kingdom. Barbar starts working on his plan and that night they all leave. But Zad Elkheir chooses to stay and they leave the keys of their houses wit her.
The king announces that his wife will return and demands that the people dress the city with festivities. But his commander finds that no one did anything and he asks Zad Elkheir about it. She tells him that all the people left. He doesn't believe her and starts searching the houses. The queen returns. She quarrels with the king because she didn't find any festivities. Later, the commander tells the king of the situation. The king asks Zad Elkheir of the reason why she didn't leave. She tells him that someone needs to stay and then she confronts him with his cruelties.
To create people in his kingdom, he sets the prisoners free but they also escape. Zad Elkheir convinces the king that without people, he is not a king and as she's leaving, the king changes his heart and calls for his people to return and they do.

Booklet Summary:
The people of a brutal king decide to leave the keys of their houses and go away because they no longer can bear the injustice. And so the kingdom is emptied from the people. But the keys guardian played by Fairuz decides to stay and guard the houses, argue with the kings and ask justice from him so that all who left return. The king agrees and the people return.

The Credits:
Fairuz ... Zad Alkheir
Nasri Shameseddine ... Barbar
Antoine Kerbaj ... The King
Huda ... The Queen
William Haswani ... Jad the wiseman
Elie Shewirie ... Deek Almay
Joesph Sakr ... Mourad Alasmar
Joesph Nassif ... The Commander
Written by the Rahbani Brothers except music of 'La Teje Elyaoum' by Elias Rahbani. Directed by Sabri Sharif.

Disk 1: [52'17"]

01. First Introduction 2'35"
02. Al Irada Almalakia 1'57"
03. Idi Idi 3'13"
04. Maoulana El Malek 1'42"
05. Ya Malekna 4'40"
06. King & Jad 1'29"
07. King & Mourad 2'28"
08. Ya Nejmet El Layl 1'
09. Barbar Wel Ahali 1'18"
10. Bala Sirtou 59"
11. Messaytkoun Belkhair 2'07"
12. Tolee El Amar 3'03"
13. Zad Elkheir Wel Ahali 30"
14. Lawz Lawz 2'40"
15. Al Remmani 3'06"
16. Dik El May 3'21"
17. Ya Ekhwan 1'31"
18. Arbaa Wekfou Maak 3'43"
19. Tarik Elnahl 3'39"
20. Lamma Byersi 36"
21. Shade Ya Byout 3'08"
22. Waynon 3'20"

Disk 2: [37'27"]

01. Second Introduction 2'03"
02. Be Amr El Malek 43"
03. La Teje El Yaoum 3'31"
04. Zad Elkheir & Guard 51"
05. Lilmalek Elmalek 1'35"
06. Maji Elmalaki 2'12"
07. Bi Baladi Elawal 3'35"
08. Elmalek Wal Malaki 2'56"
09. Zad Elkheir & King 4'05"
10. Tlena Ala Daw 2'46"
11. Bayti Ana Baytak 7'21"
12. Zad Elkheir & King 3'15"
13. Ghani Ya Madini 2'23"

Uploder infos:

Part 1: [60.8M]
Part 2: [58.7M]
Part 3: []

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