Jul 6, 2008

Jibal As-Sawan - Mountains of Esawan [1969]

Editor's quick notes:
For over 2 hours in this double CD album (much like all the other musical plays), spans the tale of Jibal As-swan. It's about Gherbe, the daughter of the marytered protector of the village Mudlej. It's about how the villagers with the help of Gherbe got themselves rid of the oppressor Fatek. Written and produced after the fall of Jerusalem, Sinai, Golan Hieghts in 1967 when the people, and especially artists and writers, in the Arab world was in shock of what happened. It was, and still is a call for a saviour.
The technical quality of the CDs is great and fortunately the tracks are divided to the songs but in some songs, there is a shift from the right speaker to the left one in a very awkard way that it must be a techincal fault. The play also features a big cast including Nasri Shamessedin, Huda, Antoine Kerbage, Elie Chouieri, Nawal Kikk, William Haswani, Joseph Nassif and Marwan Mahfouz. There is more than one song that became familiar outside of the play like 'Daret'l Alali', 'Watani' and 'Sayyef ya Sayef'. You might, after sometime, skip the dialogue tracks, but eventually you would have known all the lines. There is also a very great and funny performance by the late and great Philemon Wehbe as Naoum AlHabila. Some of the Alhabila's quotes from the play.

Booklet Summary (contains plot spoilers):
The background to this musical play is of the village of Jibal As-Sawan which was overrun by the next village, led by its chief Fatek. The legend says that a descendant of the family Mudlej will at all times be the saviour of Jibal As-Sawan. Fatek conquers Jibal As-Sawan for over one hundred days and the people become despondent and lose the desire for freeing their country. Some leave and others live in fear. Then it is discovered that a strange girl has appeaered in the village. She looks tiny and pale but full of determination and is recognized as being the daughter of Mudlej. Hope begins to rise again - the saviour of the village has appeared. The girl rouses the villagers to resist their enemy and try to free their country to live in peace and dignity. Gradually hope begins to grow stronger and stronger and the villagers indulge in festivities and a new spirit is created by the effect of Gherbe the descendant of Mudlej. The Story ends in victory at Jibal As-Sawan.

The Credits:
Fairuz ... Gherbe
and in alphapatical order:
Elie Choueiri ... Chehwan
William Haswani Abou Saker
Huda ... Jamileh
Antoine Kerbage ... Fatek
Nawal Kikk ... The bride
Marwan Mahfouz ... Khyal Elkoroum
Joesph Nassif ... Deebo
Nasri Shamesedin ... Abdou ElRoundy
Philemon Wehbe ... Naoum AlHabila

All Songs were written and composed by The Rahbani Brothers except:
Layl Layl ya Layl, Sa'idni: Arrangement by Elias Rahbani
Hayhat ya Bou'l Zoulouf: Folklore - Arranged and lyrics by Rahbani Brothers
Sayyef ya Sayf: Lyrics by Rahbani Brothers and Music by Philemon Wehbe

Disk 1: [68'41"]

01. First Introduction (Musical Prelude) 1'39"
02. Baada Jibal as-sawan (the group) 5'54"
03. Layl Layl ya Layl (the group) 1'54"
04. Ya Fatek el Moutassalet (dialogue) 3'11"
05. Hanneh Assehlanyie (Nawal Kikk - the group) 1'40"
06. Choufou Choufou el Ghayme (Huda and the group) 1'00"
07. Nater Ana Nater (Nasri Shamseddine & the group) 1'09"
08. Allah Yebsetkon (Nasri Shamseddine and Elie Choueiri) 47"
09. El Ghayme Kebret (Nawal Kikk- Elie Choueiri) 2'01"
10. Min Bento (Fairuz and the group) 4'56"
11. Waddaynal'l Marassil (Fairuz and the group) 2'30"
12. Khalli'l Farah Yerjaa' (Fairuz) 45"
13. Gherbe Gherbe (the group) 34"
14. Hayhat ya Bou'l Zoulouf (Fairuz and the group) 1'23"
15. Alli Alli (Fairuz and the group) 2'37"
16. Watani (Fairuz) 3'28"
17. Gherbe and Fatek (dialouge between Fairuz and Antoine Kerbage) 3'37"
18. Ya Enabna (Fairuz and the group) 4'26"
19. Ya Re'yane el Jibal (Fairuz and the group) 3'37"
20. Khyal el kroum (Marwan Mahfouz, Huda and the group) 3'23"
21. Ya kroum (Fairuz and Nasri Shamseddine) 36"
22. Sayyef ya Sayf (Fairuz) 3'31"
23. Sadak Zannak ya Chehwan (Elie Chouieri and Joseph Nassif) 2'34"
24. Balbale, Balbale (Elie Chouieri and the group) 4'20"
25. Haddetkon el Icha'at (Fairuz and the group) 1'55"
26. Bedna N'kammel Bille Be'you (Fairuz amd the group) 50"
27. Ya Hal Nass Ya Ahli (Fairuz) 1'51"
28. Sa'idni (Fairuz) 2'35"

Disk 2: [57'48"]

01. Second Introduction (Instrumental) 1'10"
02. Bil Fanajin (Nawal Kikk and the group) 4'35"
03. Chefta ou Jannayt (Nasri Shamseddine and the group) 1'59"
04. Sketch Naoum wa Jamileh (Huda and Philemon Wehbe) 2'43"
05. Al Ers (Fairuz, Nasri Shamseddine and the group) 4'06"
06. Ya Daret'l Alali (Fairuz) 3'57"
07. Ya Bay el Arouss (William Haswani, Nasri and the group) 1'41"
08. Aroussenta'l Helwe (Fairuz and the group) 4'06"
09. Kanet Mtallaye'l Bayt (William Haswani and the group) 59"
10. Mawlana'l Moutassalet Fatek (the group) 4'38"
11. Aliyeh Aliyeh (the group) 4'02"
12. Eddam Askar Tayef Alayi (Nasri Shamseddine) 2'23"
13. Chou'lli Sar ya Deebo (Antoine Kerbage, Joseph Nassif & the group) 1'24"
14. Beddi Ihki Ma'koun (Fairuz and the group) 5'20"
15. Nadahitni'l Nassme'l Gharibi (Fairuz) 3'01"
16. Fatek wa Gherbe (Fairuz and Antoine Kerbage) 2'41"
17. Rajeh'l Echb el Barri (Nawal Kikk) 2'20"
18. Dialouge (Fairuz and Antoine Kerbage) 3'06"
19. Ana Gherbe (Fairuz) 49"
20. Deebo Kho'l Askar (Antoine Kerbage) 1'19"
21. Majd el Arouss (the group) 1'29"

Total time 126'29"

Uploder infos:

Part 1: [94.5M]
Part 2: [79.4M]

Download Part 1
Download Part 2