Jul 3, 2008

Aodit Alaskr - Return of the Soldiers [1962]

The Plot and Quick Notes:
As women are awaiting the return of the soldiers who are their sons, husbands and lovers. They have sawn bandannas/scarfs for them. Abdou returns and tells them that the soldiers are doing fine. They return but Salem doesn't because he died while fighting. Then the people led by Fairuz start singing patriotic songs. This performance can be found on the same disc as the one year older Albaalbakiya.

The Credits:
Nasri Shamesedine ... Abdou
Written by the Rahbani Brothers

Disk 1: [39'46]

01. Rahil ...
02. Baalbeck: Ana Chamaa Ala Drajek
03. Rahou
04. Raksa Min Jadid
05. Annatour
06. Ya Zarif Attoul
07. Kam Banafsaj
08. Karm Al Alali
09. Chetti A Haqla
10. Laweyn Rayhine
11. Tela Azziraine
12. Medwiye

Disk 2: [34'35]

13. Shalhat Al Harir
14. Allah Mehayi Askarna
15. Turkat Essawahel
16. Hely Arreh
17. Btetloj Eddene
18. Mouafa Ya Askar Loubnan
19. Berjak Eid
20. Helou Ya Saharna
21. Khedni
22. Baadak Ala Bali
23. Sa'al El Helou
24. Loubnan El Akhdar

Uploder infos:

Part 1: "Al-Baalbakiya" [55.18M]
Part 2: "Return Of The Soldiers" [57.18M]

Download Part 1
Download Part 2